Wherever you are on your faith’s journey,
wherever you’ve come from and wherever you’re going,
whatever you believe,
whatever you don’t believe,
you’re among friends at The Fountains.

As followers of Jesus, we’re on a journey together
as an open and inclusive community,
asking questions,
challenging the status quo,
seeking answers,
and growing in our faith together as we actively work toward a more just and peaceful world.

If that sounds good to you, you’ll find The Fountains is a place where you’ll find encouragement and companionship on your journey. Welcome!

Living the Questions

The Fountains is the home of “Living the Questions”.

Pastor David’s book, “Living the Questions”, is an Amazon Best-Seller!  Click here to find out more, and to purchase the paperback or kindle edition on Amazon.

We Put Love First

ornament1 At The Fountains, “We Put Love First” isn’t just a motto… we believe we should spend our days making the love of Christ real in our actions.

Reconciling Ministries

ornament1 The Fountains seeks to model Jesus’ radical inclusivity and hospitality by welcoming and affirming all people, regardless of their age, sex, race, ability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

The Fountains is a Reconciling Church.

Progressive Christianity

ornament1 The Fountains is an Affiliate of the Center for Progressive Christianity.

Progressive Christianity is an open, intelligent and collaborative approach to the Christian tradition and the life and teachings of Jesus that creates a pathway into an authentic and relevant religious experience.

News, Events & Articles

We are excited to invite you to Pathways to Presence, a day dedicated to exploring…

Let’s talk about love and compassion in terms of strength and stability. Our love can…

An Interfaith Community Conversation: Exploring the Love at the Heart of Judaism With Rabbi John…

The 16TH ANNUAL FOUNTAIN HILLS Interfaith Thanksgiving will be held SUNDAY. NOV. 24th at 2pm,…

Please mark your calendars for our Family Promise weeks in 2024: February 11-18, May 5-12,…

To volunteer to help build and/or install accessibility ramps throughout the area, please contact the…

The Connection Center Community Room will be used as a Voting Center from March 11th…

Would you like to join with people who love to hike, see the beauties of…

We invite you to come on Thursday, March 28th at 6:30 pm. We will be…

  How and why NOT to leave your children in charge of the post-you you…

Movies will be shown in the Sanctuary. Invite your friends and neighbors!

Can you imagine what it would be like to be homeless in Phoenix in the…