Evolutionary Evangelist to preach and teach on November 13th
Embracing our conviction to promote “Open Minds,” The Fountains is thrilled to bring best-selling author and speaker, Michael Dowd, to Fountain Hills.
Rev. Michael Dowd’s work has been featured in the New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, Discover, ABC News, Fox & Friends (Click here for a complete news archive). In 2009, Dowd delivered an address to the United Nations drawing on material in his bestselling book, Thank God for Evolution: How the Marriage of Science and Religion Will Transform Your Life and Our World.His book has been endorsed by six Nobel laureates and other science luminaries (including noted skeptics) and by religious leaders across the spectrum. Praise from Nobel Prize-winning scientists and dozens of religious leaders: HERE.
Dowd and his wife, Connie Barlow, an acclaimed science writer, have spoken to more than 1,500 groups since launching their itinerant ministry in 2002. Uniquely gifted at building bridges between religious and non-religious people, Michael shares our common creation story in ways that uplift and expand heart, mind, and soul. His passion is showing how a sacred, deep-time view of death, big history, and human nature can inspire each of us to live with greater integrity, joy, and zest for life.
Click HERE for Michael’s bio and publications.
Preaching Sunday, November 13th at 9am and 11:15 (Q&A at 10:15)
Michael Dowd will be in dialogue with Michael Morwood on Sunday night at 6pm at Central United Methodist in Phoenix. For more info on this Arizona Foundation for Contemporary Theology event, click HERE.