Friday, Feb. 3rd at 5pm
The Fountain Hills Interfaith Alliance and American Legion Post 58 are honored to lead a moving ceremony recognizing our country and military’s commitment to religious diversity and pluralism as core values. The Third Annual Four Chaplains Memorial Service will be on Friday, February 3rd at 5PM at the Veterans Memorial in Fountain Park.
We are privileged to join thousands of other patriotic Americans across the country who will be gathering on February 3rd not only to acknowledge that Muslims, Jews, LDS, Baha’i, Hindus, Catholics, Protestants, and non-believers all serve our country in uniform, but to honor the Chaplains who faithfully support practitioners of all faiths — even those not their own.
The Immortal Chaplains: Shortly after midnight on Feb. 3, 1943, the USAT Dorchester was struck by a torpedo from a German submarine. Of the 902 young men on board, only 230 survived. Many of the survivors owe their lives to the courage and leadership exhibited by four heroic chaplains, who, in sacrificing their lives, created a unique legacy in celebrating the common human values embraced by all the world’s religions.
Chaplains Fox, Goode, Poling and Washington were posthumously awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and the Purple Heart, and in 1948, Congress declared Feb. 3 to be Four Chaplains Day. Since 1951, The Chapel of Four Chaplains in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has spread the message of interfaith cooperation and selfless service, touching the lives of thousands of people across the country.
Please join us on Friday, February 3rd at 5pm. Participants are encouraged to wear their RED “Home of the Free Because of the Brave” t-shirts. Following the ceremony, all are invited to Fountain Hills American Legion Post 58 for a Fish Fry.
“It was the finest thing I have seen, or hope to see, this side of heaven.”
— Survivor John Ladd, who watched the chaplains distribute life jackets, and when they ran out, removed their own and gave them to four young men. As Dorchester sank, the chaplains were seen linked arm in arm, praying.
The Veteran’s Memorial is located on the South side of Fountain Park at the intersection of El Lago Blvd and Kiwanis Drive.
2016 Four Chaplains Ceremony at Fountain Park
Pastor David Felten at 2016’s Four Chaplain Ceremony, with Chaplain Chuck Lewis, other American Legion members, Samir Joseph Hamel, Rev. Adele Resmer, and Naomi Lerman.