The whole community is invited to join in response to last weekend’s events in Charlottesville with a candlelight vigil of solidarity at 7pm on Sunday, August 20th. ALL ARE WELCOME: including all races, colors, religions & creeds; non-theists, humanists, & atheists — regardless of national origin, citizenship status, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, or disability. Together we will witness to our commitment to the core American values of interdependence, equality, and unity in diversity.
There’ll be live music and brief comments from community leaders and Fountain Hills neighbors. Candles will be provided and plenty of water will be available. Convenient and accessible parking is available on site. Security will also be on site.
PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT a political or partisan rally. If you plan to bring a sign or other visual expression, we ask that you focus on inspirational and positive messages of unity and equality. Any sign or poster that suggests or alludes to violence of any kind will not be permitted.
The gathering will occur inside the main hall at The Fountains, a United Methodist Church, 15300 N. Fountain Hills Blvd. in Fountain Hills (corner of Fountain Hills Blvd. and Glenbrook).
Look for more info online and share with friends on Social Media with the hashtag #unityfh. For logistical questions, contact De De Rudolphy at 480.837.7627.