Three years ago, The Fountains embraced the moment to not only pay off our long-term debt but also fund a new building. With extraordinary generosity, the people of our church helped our Now is the Moment campaign exceed everyone’s expectations, as 88 households committed $877,744 in three-year commitments. As of July, $817,297 (or 93%) of those Now is the Moment pledges have been received. Although we’re not at 100%, your generosity helped us reach one of our primary goals: paying off our Sanctuary mortgage last month.
While the original 3-year commitment period for our Now is the Moment campaign is over, we’re happy to receive any remaining pledges from 2015 — PLUS, we don’t want to leave out any folks who’ve joined us in the last three years, so, while the last three years have been “the Moment,” Now is STILL the Moment!
Now is STILL the Moment!
Building Team at work…
As with most building projects, the actual expenses to complete our Connection Center will be more than we have received in pledges. The Building Team has worked diligently to keep expenses down and has carried out a number of creative money-saving strategies to fulfill our vision (including our beautiful kitchen remodel in the Sanctuary).
But now that we’ve paid off the Sanctuary mortgage, we’d also like to do everything we can to pay off our construction loan as soon as possible.
To that end, we’re setting a new 1-year goal of $122,256 in pledges. Why that weird number? Because that’s the figure that will take our overall Now is the Moment pledges to exactly $1,000,000.00!
The good news is, with the already promised extensions and new pledges from Church Council and the Building Team, we’ve already received pledges of over $25,000, taking our goal to $97,000.
Below is a link to a pledge card and a guide to help you prayerfully consider a level at which you could help us reach our goal. There are two ways we encourage you to participate:
- A one-time contribution/first-time pledge or
- the extension of your original Now is the Moment pledge by one more year.
The goal is to have these one-year pledges and extensions (payable anytime between now and August of next year) in by the time we get our Certificate of Occupancy in January, 2019.
If you’d like to discuss a large anchor, endowment, or legacy gift, please don’t hesitate to contact Pastor David. For general questions, feel free to contact Council Chair Hunter Lott, or Building Team Coordinator Sue Nelson directly.
$1,000,000 goal!
This is an exciting opportunity for the whole congregation to join together in making an already remarkable achievement even more remarkable! We’re already SO close! The vision of a Connection Center we’ve been dreaming of is soon to become a reality!
Thank you to all who have already indicated their intention to participate in our Now is STILL the Moment campaign with both generous gifts and the extension of pledges.
…and thanks to all for your past (and continued!) generosity in helping support The Fountains and the vital ministries it is known for in Fountain Hills and beyond!
CLICK HERE or on the card image to download a pledge card. See a “One Year Giving Guide” below. Questions? Call the office at 480.837.7628
Put our Groundbreaking ceremony on your calendar: Sunday, Sept. 2nd right after church!
Yvonne Parks burning the sanctuary mortgage (with Pastor David, Opal Thompson, and Al Lorenz) on Jan. 29th, 2018