Please mark your calendars for our Family Promise weeks in 2024: February 11-18, May 5-12, October 6-13, and December 8-15. We encourage you to donate and especially to volunteer. Thanks to everyone at The Fountains and from the FH community who help make each week a welcoming experience for the families we serve.

To volunteer to help build and/or install accessibility ramps throughout the area, please contact the church office and ask to be contacted by Ray Spooner, Jim Erickson, or Larry Spade about upcoming work days. You can also visit https://dscumc.org/committee/saws-ministry/ for applications.

The Connection Center Community Room will be used as a Voting Center from March 11th through 19th, if you want to drop off a ballot (or come in and they can get you a ballot.)

Would you like to join with people who love to hike, see the beauties of Arizona and make new friends? These hikes are not difficult or long but hikers can extend if they wish to do so. Be sure to bring water, snack, sturdy shoes, sunscreen, etc. Contact Mary Jo Forman Miller at 602-743-9955 for…

We invite you to come on Thursday, March 28th at 6:30 pm. We will be preparing PB&J bag lunches again this year for A New Leaf Men’s Center. We will make sandwiches, assemble the lunches, then we will have a short service and a PB&J communion.

How and why NOT to leave your children in charge of the post-you you (with checklists).

Movies will be shown in the Sanctuary. Invite your friends and neighbors!