Adriana Hernandez — Office Manager Adriana is the proud, bragging mother of three adults who not only taught her patience, teenage-survival tactics and pure joy but they also helped her see that she had a lot more to learn to teach them about their individual faith walks. Adriana also has three handsome grandsons who taught…
Curious about the spiritual practice of meditation? Are you interested in developing greater peace and happiness within yourself? In cooperation with the Kadampa Meditation Center in Phoenix, The Fountains is proud to host meditation classes in the Kadampa Buddhist tradition. In this series, participants will learn to cultivate positive minds in meditation, such as kindness…

Taking the Bible Seriously, Not Literally Even in the 21st Century, many people think that believing unbelievable things is a prerequisite to being a follower of Jesus. Outdated myths like the Virgin Birth and a literal six-day creation have become a barrier to thinking people taking the Bible seriously. The reality is that seminaries have…