We are excited to invite you to Pathways to Presence, a day dedicated to exploring contemplative practices that will help you center, connect, and nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Throughout the day, you will experience practices such as: Chair Yoga Labyrinth walk Lectio Divina Mandala drawing Meditation …and more. In addition to the…

Let’s talk about love and compassion in terms of strength and stability. Our love can come and go: sometimes it feels strong, and at other times, it feels fleeting. However, with Buddha’s teachings, we can enhance our love and have better relationships. Learn how to make your loving relationships stronger and your love more stable….

An Interfaith Community Conversation: Exploring the Love at the Heart of Judaism With Rabbi John Linder and Rev. David Felten February 4, 11, 18, 25, 2025 – 7:00 PM (via Zoom) Join facilitators Rabbi John Linder and Pastor David Felten for a unique, heartfelt dialogue on Rabbi Shai Held’s profound new work, Judaism Is About…

The 16TH ANNUAL FOUNTAIN HILLS Interfaith Thanksgiving will be held SUNDAY. NOV. 24th at 2pm, at THE FOUNTAINS, A UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Join your neighbors from the rich variety of Fountain Hills faith groups as we gather for our 16th annual celebration of our many blessings & our unity as people of faith. For more…

To volunteer to help build and/or install accessibility ramps throughout the area, please contact the church office and ask to be contacted by Ray Spooner, Jim Erickson, or Larry Spade about upcoming work days. You can also visit https://dscumc.org/committee/saws-ministry/ for applications.

Would you like to join with people who love to hike, see the beauties of Arizona and make new friends? These hikes are not difficult or long but hikers can extend if they wish to do so. Be sure to bring water, snack, sturdy shoes, sunscreen, etc. Contact Mary Jo Forman Miller at 602-743-9955 for…

How and why NOT to leave your children in charge of the post-you you (with checklists).

Movies will be shown in the Sanctuary. Invite your friends and neighbors!

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent and kicks off the 40 days leading up to Easter. Ashes are smudged on our foreheads and we’re reminded that we’re going to die (like we need a reminder!). But lurking behind Ash Wednesday’s reputation of self-reflection and penance is a celebration of life. And fire. Yup,…
Pastor David will be featured as the “Preacher of the Week” at Lakeside Chautauqua in Lakeside, Ohio, beginning Sunday, July 30th. Pastor Felten will be in residence to lead discussions, preach, and lead the daily “Faith for Living Hour.” His theme for the week will be “Letting Go of What’s Holding concYou Back: From Finger…