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Wednesday, Feb. 3rd, 5pm A torpedo from a German submarine sliced into the USAT Dorchester shortly after midnight on Feb. 3, 1943. Of the 902 young men on board, only 230 survived. Many of the survivors owe their lives to the courage and leadership exhibited by the four heroic chaplains, who, in sacrificing their lives, created…

FOUNTAIN HILLS – Called one of the most important theologians in the last half century, Harvey Cox has made a career of exploring the many expressions of Christianity, their intersections with World Religions, and challenging the status quo all along the way. Cox will be preaching at both the 9am and 11:15 services at The…

Violence is a human issue that affects all of us to one degree or another. A major part of that picture is the continued growth of gun violence in our communities. The Bishop of the Desert Southwest Conference, Robert Hoshibata, has challenged the churches of the Desert Southwest Conference to covenant with him in exploring…

We will never change the world by going to church. We will only change the world by being the church. Please join us on January 31 from 2-4 PM at Ascension Lutheran Church, 7100 N Mockingbird Lane, Paradise Valley for an interactive experience of being the church! Using LGBT inclusion as the model we will engage…

When:  January 23, 10:00 AM Where: The sanctuary at The Fountains United Methodist Church, 15300 N Fountain Hills Blvd, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Who:  Guest speaker, Ron Wilson, from Morris, Hall, Kinghorn, P.L.L.C. The Stewardship and Finance Committees are offering an opportunity to hear from a top estate planning attorney from a prestigious legal firm serving Az…

For those experiencing grief or the many varieties of loss that weigh us down as people, the holidays can be an especially difficult time. The longer and longer nights can often add to a sense of sadness that make the joyful celebrations and holiday parties painful to endure. For those longing for a touch of…

“Countering Pharaoh’s Production-Consumption Society Today” confronts participants with the comparison of  the enslavement of the Hebrew people in Egypt to the enslavement of Americans struggling with the unending demands of the consumer society that defines us. A tour-de-force with preacher-professor-prophet Walter Brueggemann, “Countering Pharaoh” brings insights to the story of the Exodus that transforms its well-worn…

The initial pledge drive is completed for The Fountains Now is the Moment capital campaign. And we still have three years to go to complete the drive. Get your updates on each step in this exciting journey at www.thefountainsumc.org/now-is-the-moment-a-capital-campaign/

Fall Break Scavenger Hunt! It’s Fall Break next week in Fountain Hills and other school districts ’round about these here parts. Since that puts a lot of our youth on the road “over the hill and through the woods” to family and vacations here and there, Cross Current is hitting the road, too! CLICK HERE…

Out of fear over changing cultural norms and contemporary understandings of Jesus, eight churches in Fountain Hills joined together this summer to preach a six-week sermon series calling “Progressive” Christianity dangerous, heretical, and apostate. This thinly-veiled criticism of The Fountains’ core values sparked international attention, a flurry of blog-posts and podcasts, coverage in national magazines,…

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