Tuesday, Feb. 3rd, 5pm A torpedo from a German submarine sliced into the USAT Dorchester shortly after midnight on Feb. 3, 1943. Of the 902 young men on board, only 230 survived. Many of the survivors owe their lives to the courage and leadership exhibited by the four heroic chaplains, who, in sacrificing their lives, created…
Thursdays at 6:30 pm The Jesus Fatwah brings together seventeen Islamic and Christian scholars to offer reliable information about what Muslims believe, how they live out their faith, and how we all can be about building relationships across the lines of faith. Each session of this “Living the Questions” study includes DVD input and discussion. The…
December 5th 10:00 AM Estate Planning Discussion Where: The worship center at The Fountains United Methodist Church, 15300 N Fountain Hills Blvd, Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Guest speaker Ron Wilson from Morris, Hall, Kinghorn, P.L.L.C. This is an opportunity to hear from a top estate planning attorney in a prestigious legal firm serving Arizona and New…
Check out the upcoming activities for Cross Current youth at The Fountains! Camp, MLK, Souper Bowl, AND a cash scholarship: check our FACEBOOK page for the latest updates
Youth/Student Sunday Join us for our Youth/Student Sunday on December 28th — just one blended service at 10am. The youth will be leading a variety of elements in the service, including sharing about some of their experiences on their Sierra Service Project Mission Trip in LA earlier this year. Be sure to join us for…
Be sure to join us at The Fountains for one of our beautiful Christmas Eve Services on Wednesday, December 24th: 5pm: A family-oriented candlelight service with the Christmas story, special music, and live children’s nativity. 7pm: A meditative candlelight service with readings,…
If you are 70 1/2 or older, it is again possible to make tax-favored charitable gifts from traditional and Roth IRA’s. BUT TIME IS SHORT! On December 19th, legislation was signed into law that extends this special opportunity for gifts completed in 2014. That means you only have until December 31st!! Up to $100,000…
The Longest Night Service will be held Thursday, December 18, at 7PM. This is a time to remember our loved ones and acknowledge the losses in our lives that can be more painful during the holidays. Read more below… For those experiencing loss or grief, the holidays can be an especially difficult time. The…
The 7th Annual Fountain Hills Interfaith Thanksgiving service will be at Ascension Catholic Church, 12615 N. Fountain Hills Blvd, on Sunday, November 23rd at 2pm. The theme of this year’s celebration is Peace and will once again feature an Interfaith Community Choir made up last year of over 50 singers from the various faith groups…