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Table Graces and Blessings: Something for everyone: spoken, sung, shorter, longer, serious, fun! Here are the Top Ten Table Graces (x2!) for your Thanksgiving celebration — all in one place! If you’d like to print off a pdf file, click on: Table Graces 1. God is great, God is good, And we thank God for our…

“Countering Pharaoh’s Production-Consumption Society Today” confronts participants with the comparison of  the enslavement of the Hebrew people in Egypt to the enslavement of Americans struggling with the unending demands of the consumer society that defines us. A tour-de-force with preacher-professor-prophet Walter Brueggemann, “Countering Pharaoh” brings insights to the story of the Exodus that transforms its well-worn…

Be sure to “Like” our “Prays Well with Others” page on Facebook and “Join” us on our Event page.   Participating faith groups in our loop: Baha’i, Community Church (Christian), Roman Catholic, Reform Judaism, Reconstructionist Judaism, United Methodist, Presbyterian, Kadampa Buddhism, Islam, Episcopalian, ELCA Lutheran, Latter Day Saints (Mormon), Sikh, Religious Science. How about you? …and don’t forget…

The Fountains is pleased to welcome Cantor Shira Batalion to deliver the message “Growing Into the Image of God” at both services on Sunday, April 15th. Currently serving as the Rabbi/Cantor of Fountain Hills’ Congregation Beth Hagivot, Cantor Shira also serves as the music specialist at Pardes Jewish Day School. Cantor Shira was invested as a cantor through the Reconstructionist…

“Belief in God — understood as a supernatural spiritual being who created the universe and continues to sustain it — has long been assumed to be the irreplaceable foundation of the three monotheistic religions. But just as the bible ceased, in the nineteenth century, to be convincing as the repository of divinely revealed knowledge, so…

This year’s annual three-part series on theology with the Rev. Dr. Vern Meyer will be presented at Fountain Hills Presbyterian, The Fountains, a United Methodist Church, and Community Church of the Verdes. “Old Wine into New Skins” will begin on Thursday morning, February 23rd, from 9 to 11 am.  The second and third sessions will…

Sign up for one of our convenient electronic giving options and be entered for your chance to win a dinner for two at The Appian Way! The Fountains has established two convenient ways to make giving easy: electronic giving via credit/debit card or auto-deductions from checking or savings. Electronic Transfer: Fill out and sign the…

Yes! Bring a friend — or more!!  Chaperones and drivers need to have their Safe Sanctuary clearance, so let us know if you can come along. More info? Call the office at 480.837.7627.     Get your $20 to Bruce Ferguson, Cross Current’s treasurer!

The Fountains is pleased to be hosting one of 54 “Love Your Neighbor” trainings hosted nationwide by the Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) and Reconciling Ministries Network (RMN). The goal is to train 1500 United Methodist laypeople and clergy in one-to-one meeting skills so that they can contact the 606 US delegates to the 2012 United Methodist General Conference…

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