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The Fountains is privileged to have the Rev. Rob Rynders as our special guest on Sunday, October 23rd at both services. Rob is theUnited Methodist Campus Minister at Arizona State University.He leads students in spiritual formation, building community, and developing critical thinking skills. His passions are to network and to use technology to bring others…

MWAH-HA-HA-HAAaaa! It’s an All-Hallow’s Eve God Show! A little poking around in the archives has yielded a holiday-themed interview for Halloween! From October 25, 2009, Host Pat McMahon interviews Rev. David Felten for KTAR’s “God Show.” The original air date was Halloween, 2009. Click HERE to listen to the MP3.

5pm at Rio Montana Park, 11180 N 132nd St in Scottsdale (following the 2pm Fountain Hills Interfaith Service at Ascension) Join us as we pray for those affected by 9/11, acknowledge and thank our ?rst responders for their courageous work, and stand together for peace and healing to face a future of unity and community building….

The Fountain Hills Interfaith Alliance, in cooperation with the Fountain Hills Public Safety Board, is sponsoring an Interfaith Service of Remembrance for 9/11 at 2pm on Sunday, September 11th. This inspiring service will include clergy, laity, special music, a dramatic presentation by Sean Buvala, and the dedication of a City of Fountain Hills commemorative plaque…

  Fall Women’s Weekend — click on the image above for a larger view see a PDF file here:  Women’s weekend flyer 2011. $100 includes 5 delicious meals and 2 nights lodging in a beautiful retreat house. Camp Mingus is over 7000 feet at the summit of Mingus Mountain between Prescott and Jerome. Our special…

INVESTING IN WHAT MATTERS Series Sick? Depressed? Disappointed at how life has turned out? Then maybe it’s time toINVEST IN WHAT MATTERS. Check out these five lessons from Matthew’s Jesus on why studies show that people who are part of a church are healthier, happier, and live longer than their non-churched neighbors. No kidding! August 21st:…

  Our annual Seasonal Visitor’s Brunch every February has been so well received that we’re taking our show on the road! If you live in Illinois or one of the surrounding states, you’re one of over 100 Associate and Affiliate Members and Friends of The Fountains! You’re invited to join Jack and MaryAnn McBride for…

113 degrees and a freshly sealed parking lot. If you’ve got some eggs to fry, here’s your chance! Thanks again to everyone who contributed to the “R&R” fund and helped to make this necessary maintenance possible. Click HERE for a couple of extra pics…

Hey all you families (with kids from birth to those entering 5th Grade)! C’mon over to the Felten’s this Sunday at 5pm. It’s a potluck, so bring your favorite side dish or other munchies that go with burgers (or the vegetarian option we’ll have). Hot dogs and beverages will be provided, too. (Don’t forget your…

Don’t miss this fun mid-week jolt of fellowship, learning, and growing together spiritually.  Families of all stripes are encouraged to participate: Singles, Couples, Blended, Traditional, Non-Traditional — everyone’s welcome!  We start at 6pm for a light supper, followed by a variety of workshops and other activities focusing on one of Jesus’ parables. We’ll wrap it…

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