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“During his lifetime, John Wesley (1703-1791) dedicated his well- ordered intellect, self-discipline and high energy to intense religious activity aimed at renewing the Church of England. A man far ahead of his time in his thinking, Wesley acted on the conviction that the Gospel is for the whole person and the whole human race, a…

John Wesley held that there are specific behaviors that serve as conduits of God’s Grace. They are: Acts of Mercy Doing no Harm Study of the Word The Lord’s Supper Prayer Spiritual Conferencing

One of Methodism’s most distinctive theological traits is not a doctrine but a methodology. The “Quadrilateral” represents the four sources that inform our faith, help us make decisions, and live out balanced, healthy lives in Christ. The four components are Scripture, Tradition, Experience, and Reason — and if you’ve ever wondered what makes a Methodist…

The Methodist movement has never been a “creedal” movement. In fact, when founder John Wesley distilled the 25 Methodist articles of religion from the original 39 Anglican articles of religion, he intentionally removed Article XIII, “On the Creeds.” Wesley made the following statement in a sermon in Glasgow: “There is no other religious society under…

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