The Fountains’ latest “Living the Questions” program is a dynamic new discussion series on Climate Change: “ProFuture Faith: The Prodigal Species Comes Home,” featuring eco-theologian, bestselling author, and TEDx speaker, the Rev. Michael Dowd. Focusing on the intersection of science, spirituality and sustainability, the course seeks to bridge the gap between head and heart, science…

The first module of the popular DVD course “Living the Questions 2.0” will be offered at The Fountains beginning Wednesday morning, Oct. 30th at 10am and will continue for seven (7) weeks. The theme of the first seven sessions is “Invitation to Journey” and includes topics like Taking the Bible Seriously, Stories of Creation, and…

There’s really no better way to reshape and deepen your understanding of what it means to be a follower of Jesus than a trip to where it all started. There’s still room to join Pastor David and Laura Felten as they host a pilgrimage to the Galilee and Jerusalem in March of 2019. “Laura and…
Why did Jesus happen when he happened? Why the tiny, obscure villages around the Sea of Galilee? What were the priorities of Jesus’ original message? How does Roman imperial theology continue to subvert Jesus’ message to this day? The consideration of these and many other questions feature in the discussion series, First Light: Jesus and…
If you’re new to The Fountains, looking to connect with some like-minded fellow Fountains folk, or just wondering what “THAT church” is up to, then Living the Questions 2.0 is for you! The first module of the course will be offered at The Fountains beginning Wednesday morning, Oct. 31st at 10am and will continue for seven (7)…
The Fountains is now live streaming! Follow the instructions below to be able to view the sermons from anywhere you are! SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS FOR ACCESSING FACEBOOK LIVE ON SUNDAY MORNINGS CLICK HERE or go to The Fountains Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/thefountainsumc/) That’s it! If the event is live, it will start automatically. If you are watching it…

The Trustees oversaw installation of a third columbarium unit late August. The Fountains Memorial Garden includes a cross-shaped concrete structure that eventually will hold ten columbaria, with 15 niches in each. Two were installed a decade ago. Homecoming, Inc., manufactures and installs the units. This from the Columbarium page on The Fountains website, “For centuries,…

Three years ago, The Fountains embraced the moment to not only pay off our long-term debt but also fund a new building. With extraordinary generosity, the people of our church helped our Now is the Moment campaign exceed everyone’s expectations, as 88 households committed $877,744 in three-year commitments. As of July, $817,297 (or 93%) of…
What are details of the new citizen-led “Invest in Education” initiative? What are the rules for collecting signatures? In the wake of the recent #RedforEd actions, how does one get involved in supporting practical and effective reform in education funding in Arizona? An information and training session will be hosted at The Fountains on Wednesday,…

Does your faith-life resonate with your inner wisdom and personal insights? Join Michael Morwood to explore the conviction that people can cultivate wisdom (sage-ing) by consciously choosing to explore their faith in the context of their lived experience. Participants will focus on connecting the links between inner wisdom, reality, and a contemporary Christian spirituality. Michael will offer…