Members and friends from The Fountains UMC marched in the Phoenix Pride Parade along with 6 other reconciling churches in the Desert Southwest Conference of the United Methodist Church. Per the Arizona Republic, The Phoenix Pride Parade featured 2,000 individual participants with decorated vehicles, colorful floats and thousands of walkers, with more than 15,000 spectators. Among…
At 6:30pm on Tuesday night, April 3rd, The Fountains United Methodist and Valley Interfaith Project (VIP) will co-sponsor a special Civic Academy on the myths and realities of immigration in Arizona. The keynote speaker is Joseph Garcia, Director of the Morrison Institute Latino Public Policy Center at Arizona State University. He also teaches at Arizona…
Several churches in town support the work of UMOM – United Methodist Outreach ministries in Phoenix. It is the largest Homeless provider in AZ. About 25 people from The Fountains visited and learned about the new Halle Women’s Center, which is housed in a remodeled hotel very near the UMOM campus. This allows the women…
Maundy Thursday is upon us! We will be making 130 lunches for the folks at JUSTA Center in Phoneix. This is a place for homeless seniors, many who are veterans. Please let me know if you are willing to bring any of the following: Loaf of bread Peanut butter Jelly Snack size bags of chips…
The Fountains Celebrates 30 years! Fountain Hills – Although planted nearly 40 years ago in the homes of its first members, The Fountains is officially celebrating 30 years of being a chartered United Methodist Church in Fountain Hills. The Fountains has a long history of being involved with social justice issues, fostering interfaith dialogue,…
Do your thoughts race? Is stress your constant companion? Does anxiety keep you up at night? Then join Elizabeth Cabalka, author, yoga teacher, and meditation coach, for a practical and relaxing workshop, “Chill Out! Five immediately effective tools to reduce stress and anxiety.” Chill out! will be on Saturday, March 10th from 9:30am to 11am….
April 6-7, 2018 Travel with others from The Fountains to learn first-hand about immigration and border issues. We are partnering with El Mesias United Methodist in Nogales, Arizona to hear first-hand from those on both sides of the border who are dealing with the complex issues of immigration. Rev. Raul and Maritza Valazquez will be…
There were almost 100 people here to thoroughly enjoy such an amazing evening. Voices and instruments raised to sing the classics of all things love. The stage was beautifully set with lights, vases of flowers and even a disco ball. The evening was even made better with dancing and desserts. The You’ll Love It! Music Extravaganza…
The Arizona Foundation for Contemporary Theology is pleased to sponsor an evening with Diana Butler-Bass on Thursday night, March 1, 2018 at 7 p.m. The event will be in Nelson Hall at the Church of the Beatitudes located at the 555 W. Glendale in Phoenix (on the Southeast corner of Glendale Avenue and 7th Avenue). CLICK HERE for tickets. Diana…
Yesterday, the church house that has served us well was demolished and taken away to make room for our new Connection center. These are exciting times! Thank you for all those who worked so hard, donated and supported this endeavor!