The Planned Giving Information Form is now available online. This Form provides information regarding members’ intent to give to the church through estate planning, wills, life insurance policies and all forms of planned giving. Please go HERE to access the form. It can be printed and returned to the church office when completed.
New Journey Lutheran, The Fountains United Methodist, and ONE Community are hosting a conversation with people who are transgender and their family members at New Journey Lutheran on Sunday, November 12 at 2 p.m. This event has been a year in the planning and was prompted by letters to the editor in The Fountain Hills…
It’s official! We have a remodeling permit for the church kitchen and nursery! As you know, the Building Team has been hard at work developing plans for our new “Connection Center” and are very near to being able to make a presentation to the congregation. In the meantime, we’re moving ahead with the first step…
Looking for a practical and immediate way to help folks in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey? Our Mission Moment on Sunday will be about UMCOR’s collection of FLOOD BUCKETS. Ace Hardware has already donated 20 buckets to get us started! The Fountains is asking folks to help collect the individual contents (or $65 cash/check to…
The We Are One Vigil on August 20 attracted over 200 people. The Fountain Hills Times article describes the event well. Click HERE to view the article.
Girls’ Night Out! On Thursday, Sept. 7, you’re invited to start Girl’s Night Out with a little Tai Chi Easy practice led by Nancy Lott. Tai Chi is an ancient form of stylized, meditative exercise with slow circular and stretching movements. Tai Chi Easy is an approach that makes Tai Chi easy, fun and beneficial…
The whole community is invited to join in response to last weekend’s events in Charlottesville with a candlelight vigil of solidarity at 7pm on Sunday, August 20th. ALL ARE WELCOME: including all races, colors, religions & creeds; non-theists, humanists, & atheists — regardless of national origin, citizenship status, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, or disability….
HEY GOLFERS TEE OFF FOR A GOOD CAUSE Lura Turner Homes for Adults with Developmental Disabilities is having their 23rd Annual Golf Tournament Saturday, September 23, 2017. The event will be held at Stone Creek Golf Club, 4435 E. Paradise Village Parkway South in Phoenix. Featured guest is Bobby Freeman, Official Organist for the Arizona Diamondbacks. Golfers…
Pastor David will be featured as the “Preacher of the Week” at Lakeside Chautauqua in Lakeside, Ohio, beginning Sunday, July 30th. Pastor Felten will be in residence to lead discussions, preach, and lead the daily “Faith for Living Hour.” His theme for the week will be “Letting Go of What’s Holding concYou Back: From Finger…
In the shadow of the state-sponsored execution of Jesus on Good Friday, The Fountains United Methodist and New Journey Lutheran (ELCA) are sponsoring the discussion series “Questioning Capital Punishment with Sr. Helen Prejean.” A five-session DVD study from Living the Questions, “Questioning Capital Punishment” tackles the complicated issue of the Death Penalty. Featuring Sr. Helen…