Phillips who?!? Author, preacher, and the Rector of Boston’s Trinity Church, Copley Square, Phillips Brooks is probably best known today for having written the lyrics to “O Little Town of Bethlehem.” Brooks was an outspoken opponent of slavery, proponent of education, champion of reason, and Bishop of Massachusetts. A Victorian era / Gilded Age rock…
The Fountains is partnering with Sweet Town Ultimate Ice Cream Experience on Sunday night June 2nd from 5pm-7pm to help end malaria in Africa. How? By eating ice cream, of course! Come enjoy an ice cream at Sweet Town (16754 E Glenbrook in Fountain Hills) and a portion of the proceeds will go to the “Imagine…
Every year on the first weekend of May, churches around the country celebrate PLURALISM SUNDAY, dedicating their Sunday services and other activities to a celebration of our interfaith world. The Fountains will join in recognizing Pluralism Sunday 2013 in its 9:30 a.m. service and as part of the Cross Current Youth Meeting at 4pm on…
It’s Arizona’s Birthday! Thursday, Feb. 14th at 9:00am (and you thought it was Valentine’s Day — Ha!) Come and enjoy celebrating Arizona’s 101st birthday and time to re-connect with your fellow Seasonal Family members! This year we have TWO speakers, Suedelle Irons, a Mayo Clinic Desert Garden docent, and Ranger Amy Burnett, who will share some…
Internationally honored song writers, worship leaders, and concert artists, the Strathdees present an evening of music and song that is joyful, playful, prayerful — and always heartfelt! Click here to visit to purchase tickets online! Admission includes a delicious home-made dessert & coffee reception The Strathdees have written and popularized countless songs that have inspired generations, including, “Draw…
David Felten, co-author of the new book, Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity will be speaking at The Fountains (15300 N. Fountain Hills Blvd.) Sunday, Feb. 10, 2013, in the 9 & 11:15 a.m. worship services. Pastor at The Fountains, David is also one of the creators of the DVD curriculum series of the same name (See more at…
Bruce Sanguin understands evolution as a divine strategy for making a world that can make itself, and that God is in the business of alluring all of creation into the deep enjoyment of realizing the highest possible expression of goodness, truth, and beauty. “Everything and everybody is involved in a sacred, evolutionary process, including…
Friday, December 21, 2012 at 7 pm Fountain Hills Presbyterian, 13001 N Fountain Hills Blvd. The sights, sounds and joy of the holiday season can heighten the loneliness of someone anticipating a difficult holiday time. While for most of us holidays are a time of joy, for some of us it can be a time of…
An Advent Wreath is a ring or wheel of evergreens decorated with candles. It was a “symbol in northern Europe long before the arrival of Christianity. The circle symbolized the eternal cycle of the seasons while the evergreens and lighted candles signified the persistence of life in the midst of winter.” The Fountains has its own take…
Christmas at The Fountains is always a unique and memorable experience. From our annual Christmas Eve musical gift exchange and improvised reflections to the live nativity and outstanding music, the warmth of candlelight and Silent Night tops off each Christmas Eve celebration. Times to note: Monday, December 24th 4pm: Lighting of the Luminaria 4:15 Children’s Nativity…